Event - New Frontiers in Renewable Energy and Resources

New Frontiers in Renewable Energy and Resources will take place on November 25-26, 2019 in Rome, Italy. The theme is "Renewable Energy for a Better Future" and the it will include: Keynote talks, Plenary sessions, Discussion Panels, B2B Meetings, Poster symposia, Video Presentations, and Workshops.

This conference is a global platform to discuss and learn about aims to provide a Renewable energy researchers, scientists, industrialists, policy makers, energy economists and academicians to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Renewable Energy and Resources.

Sessions (for more information on these sessions see below)

  • Sources of energy
  • Renewable Energy
  • Solar Energy
  • Wind Power
  • Wave Energy
  • Geothermal Energy
  • Biofuel energy
  • Hydropower
  • Biomass energy
  • Impacts of Climate Change
  • Ocean and Marine Energy
  • Photovoltaic
  • Hybrid renewable energy Sources
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Smart Grid
  • Sustainable Energy and Development
  • Green Energy and Economy
  • Distributed Renewable Energy Systems
  • Power and Energy Engineering
  • Waste to Energy
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Sources of Energy

A substance that is converted by process into usable energy then the substance is called source of energy. One of the beneficial factors for the use of the renewable energy is that it is naturally generated. These sources are constantly replenished such as sunlight, wind, heat and water. The common energy sources are Hydropower, Biomass, Biofuels, Wind, Geothermal and Solar Energy. It often includes commodities such as wood, paper and leather. The sources of renewable energy are present in the natural environment comprising the largest component of ecosystem. These sources are capable enough to replace the conventional sources of energy such as fossil energy by serving into distinct areas such as generation of electricity, Hot water/space heating, and the rural grid off energy services.

Renewable Energy

Meeting with the world wide expectation, renewable energy has evolved a lot. The use of renewable can be seen in day to day life basically in four areas electricity generation, air and water heating and cooling transportation and rural(off-grid) energy services. The existence of this energy has been find across wide geographical area as compared to other energy sources. Large application of renewable energy has resulted in significant improvement in energy security, climate change mitigation and economic benefits. The use of renewable energy has directed the people to move forward from conventional fuels due to the environmental reasons. Renewable energy can be defines as a form of energy derived from the natural sources which cannot be depleted such as wind or solar power. They are the natural energy present in all forms ranging from sunlight, wind, waves, geothermal heat and tides. There sources are replaced constantly but does not get short. Although there is unlimited supply of the fossil fuels, we should go for the use of renewable energy as it is not only safe for the environment, eco-friendly but also less prone to pollutants if any. The development in renewable technologies has led to human development both way rural and urban. A single form of renewable energy can be further converted into different forms. It won’t be wrong to say that renewable energy is leading to sustainable development.

Solar energy

Solar Energy is the most promptly accessible wellspring of energy. Sun is the sources of all energies, the primary forms of solar energy are heat and light. It doesn't have a place with anyone and is, in this manner, free. It is additionally the most essential of the non-conventional sources of energy. Since it is non-contaminating and along these lines, helps in decreasing the greenhouse impact. Solar energy can likewise be utilized to meet our power prerequisites. Through Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) cells, sunlight based radiation gets changed over into DC power specifically. Solar Energy is dependable progressing at Solar Transport. Fuel production is also done with the help of high temperature from solar energy. The energy is capture, which is produced at one time and is store for future use. Solar energy free and clean energy and the solar panels can be placed on roofs of houses which makes less occupancy.

Wind Energy

The wind is a free, clean and gladly available renewable energy source. In the world, every day wind turbines are capturing the wind’s power and converting it to the electricity. The energy from the wind turns the two or three propeller-like blades around a rotor in windmill. The rotor is connected to the main shaft, and this shaft connected with the generator to create electricity. This source of power generation plays a progressively important role in the way of power in our world. Wind turbines captured the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical power. This mechanical power can be used for specific tasks (such as grinding grain or pumping water) in the turbines generator or can be convert this mechanical power into useful power like electricity. Now wind power technology is showing rapid growth and much more helpful than conventional power generation.by using this wind energy there is no pollution and less space occupancy and less cost effective. Wind turbines don't deliver air discharges that lead to medical issues like asthma or make corrosive rain or nursery gasses which is involves in coal handling plants.

Wave energy

This form of energy is produced when the electricity generators are placed on the surface of the ocean. The energy is widely applied for the desalination purpose in the power plants and water pump. Output of the energy is calculated by the wave height, wave speed, wavelength and the water density. Energy generated by waves is converted into electricity through the electric generator. Wave movement is harnessed and converted to electricity. It’s a reliable source of energy as it can be harnessed enormously and there is no shortage. Depending on the method used for the capture of wave energy, it can be characterised into hydraulic ram, elastomeric hose pump, and pump to shore, hydroelectric turbine, air turbine and linear electric generator. Being a renewable source of energy, wave energy can have certain disadvantages to the marine animals. There are chances that the marine animal may be struck to the tidal turbine blades, causes noise pollution, effect on the life of marine animal, affecting the sediment transport and water quality.

Geothermal energy

Geothermal energy is the heat from the Earth and it's a clean and sustainable. Resources of geothermal energy range from the shallow ground to hot water and hot rock found a few miles under the surface of the earth, and down even deeper to the extremely high temperatures of molten rock named magma. There are three main types of geothermal energy systems: Direct use and district heating system and Electricity generation in power plants and geothermal heat pumps. The steam rotates a turbine, than the turbine activates a generator, which produces electricity.in the world, there are many power plants still use fossil fuels to boil water for steam. Geothermal power plants, using the steam, produced from reservoirs of hot water found a couple of miles or more below the Earth's surface. heat exchanger-a system of pipes covered in the shallow ground near the building. In the winter, the heat pump removes heat from the heat exchanger and pumps it into the private air delivery system. In the summer, the process is converse, and the heat pump moves heat from the indoor air into the heat exchanger.

Biofuel energy

One of the most prominent and promising renewable energy Biofuels can be converted directly to the liquid fuels. Biofuels is widely used for the transportation. There are various types of Biofuels such as Ethanol, Biodiesel, Bioalcohols, Green Diesel, and Biofuel gasoline, Vegetable Oil, Bioethers, Biogas, Syngas and Solid Biomass Fuels. Ethanol and Biodiesel are the commonly used biofuels. The main aim for introducing Biofuels was to replace Gasoline, Diesel Fuel and Coal. Green Diesel, Biogas. It is having enormous advantage when compared with the fossil fuels such as less greenhouse gases providing greater fuel securities. The use of Biofuel is widely dependent on the land availability. It is made from biological agents such as plant oils or animal through the set of chemical reactions. One of the major advantages for using the Biofuel is that they are renewable energy and don not lead to global warming unlike the fossil fuels. According to few facts, Biofuels is the only renewable energy which can replace the fossil fuels.

Hydro power

One of the most important and large source of renewable energy, Hydropower contributes to 10% of world electricity generation. The flowing water energy is converted to electricity in the hydropower plants. Most commonly the dam water is used. Flowing water through turbines ii used for the power generation. Although there is no air emission however water quality and wildlife habitats can be affected. Work is going on to design the power plants in such a way that it causes minimum affect to the river water. Undoubtedly it improves the wildlife’s river habitat but at the same time cause the reduction in power plant output. Sometimes this power plant hinders the life of the fishes so different approaches are employed such as fish ladders and improved turbines to assist the migration of fishes and lower their death rate.

Biomass energy

Biomass is defined as alive or newly dead organisms and any by-products of those organisms, plant or animal. Biomass can be used to produce renewable power, thermal energy, or transportation fuels (biofuels). It most often refers to plants or plant-based resources which are specifically called lignocellulose biomass. As an energy basis, biomass can either can used as straight via combustion to produce heat, or indirectly converting it to various forms of biofuels and these biofuels can be used for transportation. Firing of biomass and fossil fuels is a low-cost means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving cost-effectiveness, and reducing air pollutants in existing power plants and as well as environment. Animals waste can be a great source for biomass which produces of alternative fuels that can be used to replace fossil fuels. Biomass in the form of dead plants, trees, grass, leaves, crops, manure, garbage’s.

Renewable energy climate change

Sustainable power source is a standout amongst the best devices we have in the battle against environmental change, and there is each motivation to trust it will succeed. An on-going New York Times segment appears to suggest that sustainable power source speculations set back endeavours to address environmental change—nothing could be further from reality. In addition, inexhaustible innovations can progressively spare clients cash as they uproot discharges from petroleum derivatives. Environmental change can truly have a ton of negative outcomes. It is vital to make a move to help diminish the measure of progress that happens and make it not occur so quick. Eventually, the earth will be excessively hot for individuals, making it impossible to live serenely on the off chance that we don't roll out a few improvements. It is as of now having sway on the plant and creature life, and in the event that you truly would prefer not to see it deteriorate the time has come to become environmentally friendly. The nonstop increment of nurseries gases in the air have made temperature rise which is called as nursery impact. In spite of the fact that nursery impact is fundamental for survival of every one of us on this planet however increment of these gases past a point of confinement will just make hurtful impacts for us and this condition. Amid a century ago, earth's normal temperature ascended by 1 degree Fahrenheit which in itself is a reason for concern. One of the advantageous factors for the use of the renewable energy is that it is naturally generated. These sources are constantly replenished such as sunlight, wind, heat and water. The common energy sources are Hydropower, Biomass, Biofuels, Wind, Geothermal and Solar Energy. It often includes commodities such as wood, paper and leather. The sources of renewable energy are present in the natural environment comprising the largest component of ecosystem. These sources are capable enough to replace the conventional sources of energy such as fossil energy by serving into distinct areas such as generation of electricity, Hot water/space heating, motor fuels, and the rural grid off energy services.

Ocean and Marine Energy

Marine or sea vitality alludes to the vitality conveyed by sea waves, tides, saltiness, and sea temperature contrasts. The development of water on the planet's seas makes a huge store of active vitality, or vitality in movement. A portion of this vitality can be tackled to create power to control homes, transport and industries.The seas have an unbelievable measure of intensity and vitality potential. Despite the fact that the marine vitality innovation has not completely conveyed on its potential, there has been, in late time, various zones in marine vitality that has commenced. The UK is accepted to be a main player in Marine vitality. Despite the fact that its ability by and by is in general around 9megawatts, it is on course to convey around 120MW by 2020. Two of these are Wave vitality and Tidal Vitality.


Also called as Solar Cells, Photovoltaic cells (PV Cells) convert the sunlight directly into the electricity. By using the cells, Solar PV systems convert the sunlight into electricity. The cell system comprises of one or two layers of a semi conducting material mainly Silicon. Electric field is generated as soon as the light shines on the cells. At the point when light energy strikes the sunlight based cell, electrons are thumped free from the particles in the semiconductor material. In the event that electrical conveyors are joined to the positive and negative sides, framing an electrical circuit, the electrons can be caught as an electric current - that is, power. PV system comprises of PV Modules, Books on PV, Disconnects, Solectria inverter on a Prewired Power Panel, Deep Cycle Battery, C40 Charge Controller and a Midnight PV3 Combiner Box. The performance of a Solar cell is measured depending on it productivity to transform daylight into power. Just daylight of specific energies will work productively to make power, and quite a bit of it is reflected or consumed by the material that makes up the cell. Along these lines, a run of the mill business sun oriented cell has a proficiency of 15%-around one-6th of the daylight striking the cell produces power. Low efficiencies imply that bigger clusters are required, and that implies higher cost.

Hybrid Renewable Energy Sources

With the increasing demand of Renewable energy, Hybrid Renewable Energy Sources (HRES) has been used widely in the remote areas. HRES involves combining of the two renewable energy sources with the aim of providing higher energy efficiency along with the greater energy output. In case of providing higher output load, we can combine the two renewable energy sources resulting to the 100% efficiency. To implement the HRES system there should be a well-defined standardized set of frameworks such as demand assessment, covering areas, resource assessment and the barriers. Some common configurations used in the HRES are: PV/Wind/diesel generator HRES, PV/wind/fuel cell HRES Wind/battery HRES Biomass/wind/diesel generator HRES PV/Wind/Biomass/fuel cell HRES For ensuring continuous supply of power to the load there has to be critical storage technology. There are many types of energy storage that can be used in hybrid renewable energy system for example, compressed air energy storage (CAES), Pumped hydro storage (PHS), hydrogen fuel cells, flywheels, supercapacitors, superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) and batteries.

Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency is often called as efficient energy, Energy Efficiency aims to reduce the energy required for proving the products and services. Nowadays, technology is developed and there are so many innovations and advancement in technologies it is becoming essential to make the proper usage of energy which is achieved by the energy Efficiency. Energy Efficiency helps to maintain the environment by protecting the air and preventing the change of climate. It also helps by reducing the emission from power plants. With the decrease amount of energy usage less energy will be needed to generate the power plants resulting in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and improving the quality of air. For balancing economy, energy efficiency plays a vital role. Renewable energy and Energy efficiency are said to be the twin pillars of sustainable energy policy and these are high priorities in the sustainable energy hierarchy.

Smart grid

A Savvy Network might be a comprehensive goals that utilizes an expansive change of information innovation assets, allowing existing and new gridlines to curtail power waste and vitality costs. Brilliant frameworks will be a basic establishment for the fuse of sustainable power source into the electrical network. Since inexhaustible sources like star and twist square measure variable, it'll be basic to have an interest responsive electrical lattice that utilizations vitality speedily. Keen framework advances have heap applications and changes, together with sensible meters in singular homes to the ability to get to variable and appropriated wellsprings of vitality construct for the most part upon request and accessibility. Sensible meters engage power customers to utilize vitality bolstered esteem signals given as rates fluctua, A Smart Grid may be a comprehensive decision that employs a broad vary of knowledge technology assets, authorizing existing and new gridlines to cut back electricity waste and energy prices. Smart grids are going to be a important foundation for the embodiment of renewable energy into the electrical grid system. For power generation and power distribution and power transmission, grid system is the main role for power enhancement. Smart grid technologies have vast applications and modification, and there will be with sensible meters in individual homes and commercial buildings to the power for access variable and distributed sources of energy based upon demand and available. Astute meters empower electricity shoppers to use energy sustained value signals given as at rates change.

Sustainable development

Supportable Advancement is the dealing with a rule for meeting human change targets while meanwhile dealing with the limit of basic structures to give the ordinary resources and natural framework organizations whereupon the economy and society depend. Reasonable vitality is spotless and can be used over a drawn out stretch of time. Not in any manner like oil subordinates and biofuels that give the weight of the universes essentialness, practical power sources like hydroelectric, sun fueled and wind has imperativeness conveyed far less contamination. Sun based vitality is for the most part used on open halting meters, street lights and the highest point of structures. Wind control has broadened quickly, its offer of generally speaking force use toward the complete of 2014 was 3.1%.

Green energy and economy

Green energy mainly consist of natural energetic processes which will be produces very little pollution. Anaerobic digestion, geothermic power, wind power, small-scale hydropower, solar power, biomass power, periodic event power, wave power, and a few styles of atomic power belongs to the green energy. Green economy can be defined as an economy that aims at reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities, which aims for property development while not degrading the atmosphere in keeping with the United Nations setting Programme. It firmly associated with environmental monetary science, however contains a great deal of politically connected core interest. A green economy is thought of together that is low carbon, asset conservative and socially far reaching. It firmly associated with biological monetary science, however contains a considerable measure of politically connected core interest.

Distributed renewable energy system

Power that is generated during the time of consumption is known as distributed renewable energy. These form of energy is stored in small, gird connected device called as distributed energy resources or distributed energy resource systems. These systems are decentralized, modular and more flexible, that are located close to the load they serve, having capacities of only 10 megawatts (MW) or less. This is generated onsite and is having severe advantages such as eliminating the cost of production, complexity, interdependencies, and inefficiencies associated with the transmission and the distribution. For meeting the regular demand of power supply, small power sources are set up known as distributed renewable energy systems. Solar Panels on the roof of homes and buildings, small wind turbines and electric vehicles are the common examples of distributed renewable energy systems. This form of energy creates the clean, renewable electricity wherever generated. They can be in various forms such as geothermal systems, micro hydroelectric systems.

Power and energy engineering

Power Building is a sub field of Vitality Designing and Electrical Designing that courses of action with the age, transmission, scattering and utilization of electric power and the electrical contraptions related with such systems including generators, motors and transformers. Anyway an awesome piece of the field is concerned with the issues of three-stage air conditioning power – the standard for liberal scale control age, transmission and scattering over the front line world – an imperative division of the field is stressed with the change among air conditioning and DC control and the change of specific power frameworks for instance, those used in flying machine or for electric railroad systems. The Power Frameworks were getting more profitable with taking a break and have transformed into a middle district of Electrical Building field.

Waste to energy

Waste-to-energy or energy-from-waste is that the one of the way of generating energy within the type of electricity and heat, from the first treatment of waste, through this the un-useful amount of energy can be considerably utilized. Waste-to-energy may be a type of energy recovery process .Now a days, Most Waste-to-Energy proceeding manufacture electricity and/or heat directly through combustion, or manufacture flammable fuel goods, like gas, alcohol or artificial fuels, methanol. For new processes like the Ebara fluidization, direct smelting method and also the Thermo- select -JFE and melting technology process for waste to energy process there are vast amount of thermal treatment plants victimized. Waste to energy technology includes aging, which may take biomass and make liquor, exploitation squander plastic or natural material. Inside the aging technique, the sugar inside the waste is changed to nursery outflow and the liquor, inside the similar and general strategy, that is wont to assemble wine. Esterification is also should be possible exploitation waste to vitality innovations, and more, the consequences of this technique are biodiesel. The esteem adequacy of esterification can depend on the feedstock being utilized and each one the inverse important variables like transportation remove, amount of oil blessing inside the feedstock can be improved in the waste to energy process.


Bioremediation is a process used to treat contaminated media like water, soil and subsurface material, by altering environmental conditions to stimulate growth of microorganisms and degrade the target pollutants. For bioremediation process those organisms are used known as bioremediators, are most often bacteria, archaea and fungi due to their rapid growth rate, variable metabolic needs and ability to be genetically manipulated. Bioremediation has been successfully used to clean up pollutants including crude oil, gasoline, pesticides, sewage, and chlorinated solvents used in cleaning supplies. The benefits of bioremediation include lower costs and less interruption of the environment when compared to other clean up methods. Biological treatment is a similar approach used to treat wastes including wastewater, industrial waste and solid waste and other related processes.

Hydrogen economy

One of the most abundant element and high in energy Hydrogen does not occur naturally occur as gas on the Earth. Hydrogen Economy is defined as delivering energy using economy. Hydrogen consists of one atom and one electron. Industrial production of Hydrogen is 4 trillion cubic feet annually. Hydrogen is produced through extraction process called as reforming where heat is applied for the separation of Hydrogen from Carbon. It is transported through the pipeline from its production unit over the road in cryogenic liquid tanker trucks or gaseous tube trailers or rail or barge. However research is going on to produce hydrogen naturally form the natural gas using the process of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel. Hydrogen is used as fuel good as the energy extracted from it is stored and used further. Energy derived from Hydrogen can be delivered to fuel cells and further for the generation of electricity and heat or even for the combustion process. Being good source of energy Hydrogen is also used as fuel for “zero emission’’ vehicles and even fuels the aircraft. Vehicles fuelled with Hydrogen are more energy efficient and use nearly 60% of the fuels energy with 50%reduction in fuel consumption as compared to the conventional vehicle with a gasoline internal combustion. In future, there are chances of using Hydrogen for the electricity generation

Nano environmental technologies

Utilization of nanotechnology which incorporates the control of materials at the extent of the nanometer to green outlining models is "Green nanotechnology". It in like manner suggests the use of the aftereffects of nanotechnology to update reasonability. Keeping up and improving soil, water, and air quality address indisputably the most forcing troubles standing up to overall society in the 21st century. Defilements from such varying sources as oil and manufactured spills, pesticide and manure flood, surrendered present day and mining districts and airborne vaporous and particulate issue from autos decline the condition once every day. Recognizing and treating existing contaminants and balancing new pollution are among the challenges. Use of nano-materials in arranged fields, for instance, redesigning the creation and refining of energies and reduction of releases from autos, essentialness storing (batteries and nano-engaged energy units), to give safe drinking water through improved water treatment, desalination, nano-enabled security and diagram of nano-materials for pollution recognizing and area.

Energy storage and conservation

The mission of Energy Conservation and Energy Storage (ECES) is to facilitate integral research, development, implementation and integration of energy-storage technologies to enhance the energy efficiency of all kinds of energy system and process and to enable the increasing usage of renewable energy rather than the of fossil fuels. Energy storage and the energy transformation is major part of renewable energy usage system. Depending on the form of energy which needs to be balanced and the required storage period, different types of energy storages such as thermal, electrical, material or virtual storages can be used. A device that stores imperativeness is all over called a gatherer. Vitality comes in different structures including electrical potential, compound, gravitational potential, radiation, control, raised temperature, lethargic warmth and dynamic. Vitality Storage incorporates changing over imperativeness from outlines that are difficult to store to simply more supportively or fiscally storable structures. Mass Energy accumulating is correct presently led by hydroelectric dams, both standard and furthermore pumped. The essentialness isn't secured clearly; anyway the work-aftereffect of exhausting Energy (pumping constantly warm) is secured, having the proportionate effect on daytime use.

Emerging technology

Besides of renewable energy technologies like solar, bioenergy, wind and hydro energy technologies other technologies are still under development, and include cellulosic ethanol, hot-dry-rock geothermal power, and marine energy. These technologies are not yet widely established, these technologies have limited commercialization. In cellulosic ethanol process ethanol (ethyl alcohol)is produced from the cellulose (the stringy fiber of a plant) rather than from the plant's seed or plant fruits and also It is a biofuel produced from grasses, wood, algae, or other plants. The fibrous parts of the plants are mostly inedible to animals, including humans, except for ruminants (grazing, cud-chewing animals such as cows or sheep). An enhanced geothermal system (EGS) generates geothermal electricity without the need of natural convective hydro sources or thermal sources. For economical view and for more renewable resources, geothermal power systems have demoralized only resources where naturally occurring energies like heat, water, and rock permeability are sufficient to allow energy extraction. However,by future most of the geothermal energy within reach of conventional techniques in dry and impermeable rock. Enhanced geothermal system technologies enhance or create geothermal resources in this hot dry rock (HDR) through hydraulic stimulation.

Renewable energy benefits business and environment

In the world renewable energy is more secure energy supply – fossil fuels won't last forever and supply is increasingly dependent on imports. In contrast, renewable sources occur naturally, in all regions, and won't run out. Improving environmental credentials and strengthening your brand like dealing with businesses with proven environmental credentials is important to an ever-growing subset of customers and other stakeholders. Improving environmental credentials and strengthening your brand – dealing with businesses with proven environmental credentials is important to an ever-growing subset of customers and other stakeholders. Stable energy costs involved because renewable energy sources are not subject to the same price rises as fossil fuels because of this security. There are many business organizations whose involves in build the renewable energy storage systems and related systems like wind windmills, solar panels, turbines manufacturing plants, water treatment plants for desalination process, biofuels and liquids, geothermal power plants.


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