Climate Mobilizer Backer Events

In January there will be two inaugural Climate Mobilizer Backer Events, one on January 14th and the other on January 25th. The first event is titled, Identity and Values and it will take place on Jan 14, 2018, at 5:00 PM ET. The second is called The "Strategy and Politics Call:" Taking City by City into 2018, it will take place on Jan 25, 2018, at 8:00 PM ET.  Mobilizer-Backers support the restoration of a safe climate. You also join a special community of people committed to making mobilization a reality.

The Climate Mobilization is building the social and political movement America needs to take back our climate and start a WWII-scale Climate Mobilization.Monthly donors, or "Mobilizer Backers" sustain this work and are invited to join special monthly calls to promote fellowship and accountability among their supporters. Access to these events is restricted to Mobilizer Backers (monthly donors). These monthly donations provide the foundation for the Climate Mobilization’s work. The events will provide an opportunity to build community, answer questions and give supporters an inside look at how we’re putting their dollars to work. For as little as one dollar per day, you can have access to these restricted events. There is even a $5 per month low-income option.

These events are part of the Life in the Climate Crisis: A Psychological Discussion Series. These 90 minute monthly calls with TCM director and clinical psychologist Margaret Klein Salamon (bio below) are a time to build fellowship and discuss the personal side of the climate crisis. This month's call will focus on the topic of "identity and values:" how does the climate crisis change how you think about who you are? Does it change how you embody your most deeply held values?

Margaret is the founder and director of The Climate Mobilization and author of The Climate Psychologist blog. She earned her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Adelphi University and holds a BA in social anthropology from Harvard. Though she loved being a therapist, Margaret now applies her training in psychology and anthropology to the climate crisis.

The "Strategy and Politics" Call on Jan 25, 2018, at 8:00 PM ET will be conducted by Margaret, Doug Danoff, director of City by City and Ezra Silk, TCM’s Head of Policy and Strategy, and member of the Mobilize.LA leadership team. These three speakers will give updates and discuss the City by City strategy. Questions and feedback invited.

Become a mobilizer-backer and commit to monthly support: Note: Because this work includes mobilizing political candidates and elected officials, we are a 501(c)(4) and thus donations are not tax deductible. You can make a tax-deductible gift to their 501c(3) affiliate, Climate Mobilization Project.

For a one time only donation click here
To become a climate backer click here



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