A Summary of Trump's Malfeasance and his Disastrous Presidency

Donald J. Trump is a climate change denier and the most destructive man ever to disgrace the office of the Presidency of the United States. His incessant lies, moral turpitude and rampant corruption are already legendary. Trump has been challenged by corporate America, scientists and the press, however, in a stunning display of dysfunctional partisanship, Republicans continue to support his presidency and as a consequence they have tied their fate to his. The midterm election in November is our best hope to stop this man and end this nightmare.

Here is a summary of more than 100 links reviewing Trump's malfeasance and his ruinous presidency.

Trump and the GOP's Attacks on Climate and Environment

Trump Undermines Renewables to Help Fossil Fuels and Take Revenge
Climate Crisis Trumped by the Volatility of the US Commander-and-Chief
Trump was a Nightmare in 2017 and not just for the Environment
Trump is Unfit to Lead
Trump's Budget is a Declaration of War Against Environmental Protections, Climate Action and Scientific Research
Trump's First 100 Days are a Climate and Environmental Nightmare
Trump Seeks to End Climate Action in America
Trump's Corruption may be his Lasting Legacy and his Undoing
Pope Francis & Donald Trump: Environmental Advocacy vs. Climate Denial
Trump Addresses Congress and Offers More Environmental Doublespeak
Trump Orders an End to Vehicle Mileage Standards
Republicans to Sell Off Public Lands and Strip Powers from Federal Agencies
Pipelines Reborn: They're Back Thanks to Trump
Camps Raided as Trump Moves Forward with DAPL

Trump and Corporate America

US Corporate Climate Efforts in 2017 Offer Hope for 2018
France Shows Trump What Climate Leadership Looks Like
Republican Tax Scam is a Crime Against People and the Planet
Trump May be Irrelevant but he is Not Harmless
Corporations Offering Hope this Unhappy Thanksgiving
Corporate Actions the Combat Trump's Climate Ignorance
Sustainability is Not Impervious to Trump
Sharing Sustainability Matters Now More than Ever
Which Side is Your Business On?
Businesses Support Sustainability and Oppose Trump
Business Leaders Advocate for Sustainability and Refute Trump
Business Benefits from Science-Based Climate Action
Trump Represents a Serious Risk Factor for Investors and Corporate America
Sustainability is an Economic Boon not a Liability
Which Side is Your Business On?
Business Benefits from Science-Based Climate Action
Businesses Urge Trump to Respect the Paris Agreement
Why Business Leadership Matters More than Ever under Trump

Trump and the Paris Climate Agreement

Businesses and Governments React to Trump's Exit from the Paris Climate Deal
Trump Dumps Paris Accord Prompting Outrage and Action
If Trump Pulls out of the Climate Agreement Europe Could Impose a Carbon Tax on the US
Why Trump Should not Quit the Paris Agreement
Businesses Urge Trump to Respect the Paris Agreement
World Reacts to Trump's Win and Warn Him to Respect the Paris Climate Agreement (Videos)
Trump Casts a Dark Shadow Over COP22

Trump and the EPA

Pruitt to Decimate Environmental Protections and Climate Action
Emails Reveal Pruitt's Anti-Regulation Industry Advocacy
GOP Trying to Kill the EPA
The GOP Starts Gutting Environmental Protections and Transparency
Trump's War against the EPA has Begun
Trump Puts the Fox in the Henhouse: Pruitt to Lead the EPA
Republicans Trying to Kill the EPA

Trump and the Press

The Media has Learned How to Keep Trump from Escaping His Lies
The Importance of Fact Based News to Combat Trump's Lies
The Trump Administration Begins Shutting Down Press Access
How Conservatives Use Fake News to Control the Narrative
Trump and the Darkness of Post-Factual Media
Why Trump Hates Traditional Journalism and Loves Digital Media (Videos)

Trump Pre/Early Presidency

Bannon: Why Environmentalists are not the Only Ones who Should be Terrified (Videos)
The Importance and the Power of Protest: Why We Must Stand Up to Trump
The Obama Legacy and How Trump Signals the End of an Era (Videos)
Trump's Inauguration Met with Protests as Darkness Officially Descends
Global Warning 2017: Combating the Dystopia of the Trump Administration
Arguments for Climate Action that may Resonate with Trump and other Republicans
The Coming Darkness: What the Election of Trump Means for our Planet
Ivanka Exposes Trump to Climate Reality in the Form of Al Gore
What the Election of Tump Means for Our Planet
The Trump Administration and the Coming Climate Kakistocracy
Facing the Truth About What A Trump Administration Means for Climate Action
Trump's Victory Increases the Urgency of Climate Action
Environmental Economics and President Trump: Market Forces are Not Enough (Video)
Trump's Victory Must Not Cause us to Lose Hope We Must Continue to Fight for the Health of our Planet

Trump as the Republican Presidential Nominee

Trump's Energy and Environment Agenda will be Countered by Businesses and Investors
Donald Trump Laid Bare: Comprehensive Summary of Reasons Why Trump is a Disaster
Voting for Trump is Tantamount to Treason
Trump's Litany of Lies Captured on Video
Is Trump Clinically Insane? (Videos)
Trump's Litany of Lies Captured on Video
It is Up to the Young to Secure their Futures this Election
Trump's Political Obituary and Legacy after Taking a Final Beating from Hilary
The Climate Implications of Dodging Trump's Fossil Fuel Powered Energy Bullet
Climate Gets Woefully Little Time in the Presidential Debates
Clinton Trounces Trump in the First Presidential Debate
Trump's Energy Lies from the Second Presidential Debate
Pence and Kaine on Climate and Energy
A Review of Trump's Positions on Climate, Energy and the Economy
California's Climate Leadership and the Losers who Strive to Undermine these Gains
Green Party a Threat to Climate Action in the 2016 Presidential Elections
The Vote Rigging Fallacy
In the Face of Record Setting Heat & Rain the GOP Doubles Down on Fossil Fuels
Louisiana Flooding Climate Change and the Politics of Ignorance
Exposing the Fantasy of Trump's Policy Positions on Energy and the Economy

Candidate Trump

Republicans Opposing Trump Say he is Dangerously Unqualified to be President
Climate Action and the Binary Choice between Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump
Trump Promises to Kill Climate Action in RNC Speech: The False Flags of Fear and Division
Climate Avoidance, No-shows, Discord and Nepotism Mark the Start of the Republican National Convention
Trump's Climate Ignorance Would be Laughable if the Implications weren't so Serious
GOP Platform Augurs Environmental Destruction and Runaway Climate Change
Trump's Pick for VP Fails to Secure Support from the Koch Brothers (Videos)
Climate Polls Give the GOP Cause for Concern
Climate Change and the US Presidential Election of 2016
Hilary Clinton is our Last Best Hope of Tackling Climate Change
Trump Takes his First Beating with More to Come
A Trump Presidency Would Kill Climate Action and Push us Past Irreversible Tipping Points
Trump Could Win and We All Could Lose
Trump Wants to Mine Coal Frack for Gas and Drill for Oil
Climate Doomsday Clock Advances as Trump Wins the Republican Nomination
Trump is Unelectable So Say the Koch Brothers and Others


Why Trump Does Not Want a Science Advisor
Scientists Take on Trump and GOP Climate Denial
Sham Hearings Make a Mockery out of Climate Science
Trump's Budget is a Declaration of War Against Climate Research
Scientists Tell Trump to Act on Climate Change
The Implications of the Trump Administration's Disdain for Science


US Corporate Climate Efforts in 2017 Offer Hope for 2018
France Shows Trump What Climate Leadership Looks Like
Republican Tax Scam is a Crime Against People and the Planet
Corporations Offering Hope this Unhappy Thanksgiving
Corporate Actions the Combat Trump's Climate Ignorance
Sustainability is Not Impervious to Trump
Sharing Sustainability Matters Now More than Ever
Businesses Support Sustainability and Oppose Trump
Business Leaders Advocate for Sustainability and Refute Trump
Business Benefits from Science-Based Climate Action
Trump Represents a Serious Risk Factor for Investors and Corporate America
Which Side is Your Business On?


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