Event - National Summit of Conscious Leadership

This event will take place on November 1, 2017, at the Montreal Convention Centre in Quebec, Canada.

This unique and innovative event, organized by the International Centre for Conscious Leadership, will bring together 500 business leaders, thought leaders, political figures and other community organizations to embrace Conscious Leadership as a key pillar of Conscious Capitalism, in Canada and throughout the world.

To not only survive, but also to thrive as leaders, organizations and human beings, we need to adopt a new leadership paradigm that embraces the global common good instead of our individual needs. We need a leadership that is guided by vision and driven by values that target the success of the organizations as well as the well-being of all stakeholders including customers, investors, partners, employees, the community and the environment. We need conscious leaders to champion conscious organizations that can create a promising future for the next generations.

During this one day long conference, you’ll get the chance to listen, get practical tools and get support by sharing your vision and success stories with other leaders, to find what you need for your organization to continue thriving in the new economy.


• Increase your leadership power and positive impact
• Challenge your limiting beliefs to rise to your full potential
• Learn from worldwide experts on conscious leadership
• Integrate tools that will help you thrive in all aspects of your life and achieve extraordinary results in your organization
• Join an impactful community of Conscious Leaders


Alan Seale (USA), Director Centre for Transformational Presence

Alan Seale is the founder and Director of the Centre for Transformative Presence. He is an award-winning author, inspirational speaker, transformation catalyst, master teacher and mentor to many leaders and coaches. His first book, Intuitive Living: A Sacred Path, received the prestigious Coalition of Visionary Resources Award for Best Book in Spirituality in 2001. His other books include Soul Mission, Life Vision (2003), The Manifestation Wheel (2008), The Power Of Your Presence (2009), and Create A World That Works (2011). His next book, Transformational Presence: How To Make a Difference in a Rapidly Changing World is scheduled for publication in 2017. Alan’s books are currently published in many languages. He maintains a full workshop schedule throughout the Americas and Europe.

SUZANNE GOUIN (can), Chairman of the board Revenue Canada Agency, Board Member, Hydro-Québec

Suzanne Gouin is Chairperson of the Board of Management of Revenue Canada Agency, a member of the Board of Hydro-Québec and also member of different non-for- profit Boards such as the Bell’s Funds, la Fondation du Grand Montréal, L’Esplanade and Le Printemps numérique. She worked for more than 30 years. She was the CEO of TV5 Québec Canada from 2002 to 2015. Prior to that, she held the position of Vice President of Business Publications at Transcontinental Media. She began hercareer at Radio-Canada . She graduated in Political Science from Concordia University and holds an MBA from the Richard Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario. She is certified with the Institute of Corporate Directors.

KATJA HLEB (SLO) Director Conscious Leadership Ambassador

Katja Hleb is a Conscious Leadership ambassador. She has worked with more than 4000 top executives in the international arena helping shape their careers through search, selection, coaching and personal development procedures and in many cases through helping shape their holistic People Strategies. Being a trained Psychologist with a specialisation in Business she is now pursuing her PhD in the area of 5D highly conscious Organisational Cultures of the future, doing research in some gem global enterprises; companies like Volvo, Aberkyn (McKinsey), Patagonia, BVC, 2cellos, a large EU based Telecom and Cosylab, the world top provider of controlling systems for hadron colliders. Based in the European Union she offers group and individual training in 5D Leadership and 5D Culture Design platforms.

KARL MOORE (CAN) Associate Professor of Management McGill University

Karl Moore is an Associate Professor of Management at the Desautels Faculty of Management of McGill University and is recognized as a world expert on strategy and leadership. Before McGill he taught at Oxford University for five years. He came to McGill to work with Henry Mintzberg. In 2002, he won the Faculty teaching award at the MBA level and has taught in executive education programs around the world. He has worked with several high-profile companies. He completed his MBA at the University of Southern California and Ph.D. at the Schulich School, York University. He worked for eleven years in sales and marketing management positions in the high technology industry with IBM, and Hitachi. He has published many articles and 10 books. His newest book is titled Working with Millennials.

STEPHANE LEBLANC (CAN) President & CEO International Centre for Conscious Leadership

Stephane Leblanc is the founder and CEO of the International Center for Conscious Leadership. He is a catalyst for leaders and organizations transformation, to cultivate conscious leadership and raise the level of consciousness in business. He is an experienced senior executive with over 25 years of service in large international organizations. He has been trained by world-renowned teachers and coaches who guided him to become an established transformational leader. He has been practicing this new paradigm of management over a decade and experienced incredible results with his teams, as well as the level of performance of the organizations. He holds a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal and an M.B.A. from HEC Montreal.

Richard barrett (UK) Chairman Barrett Values Centre

Richard Barrett is the founder and Chairman of the Barrett Values Centre. He is an author, a speaker and internationally recognised thought leader on the evolution of human values in business and society, a Fellow of the World Business Academy and Former Values Coordinator at the World Bank. He is the creator of the internationally recognized Cultural Transformation Tools (CTT), which have been used to support more than 6,000 organizations on their transformational journeys. Richard has been a visiting lecturer at many universities. Richard Barrett is the author of many books and his latest one is: A New Psychology of Human Well-Being: An Exploration of the influence of Ego-Soul Dynamics on Mental and Physical Health (2016).

Raj Sisodia (USA) Chairman Emeritus Conscious Capitalism Inc.

Raj Sisodia is the FW Olin Distinguished Professor of Global Business and Whole Foods Market Research Scholar in Conscious Capitalism at Babson College in Wellesley, MA. He is also Co-Founder and Chairman Emeritus of Conscious Capitalism Inc. He has a Ph. D. in Marketing and Business Policy from Columbia University, where he was the Booz Allen Hamilton Fellow. He has written ten books and over 100 academic articles. He is the co-author of Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business, a New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller. Raj serves on the Board of Directors of The Container Store, and previously served on the Board of Directors of Mastek Ltd. He is a Trustee of Conscious Capitalism Inc.

David Murray (CAN) President Hydro Quebec Distribution

David Murray is President of Hydro-Québec Distribution, a division that provides a secure supply of electricity to the Québec market. He has over 20 years of experience in large corporations, having worked for Bombardier, Flextronics, Nortel Networks and Rolls Royce. A dynamic and inspiring leader, he has played a pivotal role in bringing about organizational changes through the implementation of enterprise resource planning systems and other technological tools designed to increase efficiency and productivity. Prior to joining Hydro-Québec, David Murray held a number of strategic management positions at Bombardier Aerospace, where he contributed to the creation of Bombardier Business Aircraft. He sits on the board of directors of United Way of Greater Montreal and of Caisse Desjardins Hydro. Mr. Murray holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from HEC Montréal.


Julian Giacomelli is currently President at RISE Kombucha, the Montreal-based leading Canadian Kombucha company. Since 2000, Julian has been supporting organizations to learn, grow and thrive Рworking as a consultant, entrepreneur, and investor for startups and SMEs predominantly in the private sector. His approach is to unite the best of legacy business approaches with a multiple bottom-line mindset. In 2009, he co-founded RISE Kombucha and Crudessence and was CEO at Crudessence from 2010-2013. In 2015-16, he helped found Edo Capital, a startup sustainable food and agriculture investment fund. Over the past 20 years, Julian has mentored entrepreneurs, lectured at HEC Montr̩al and given talks across a variety of academic and professional settings. Julian studied Civil Engineering at McGill and has an MBA from INSEAD.

JEANNE RAHILLY (can) Vice President & Chief Creative Officer International Centre for Conscious Leadership

Jeanne Rahilly is the co-founder of the International Centre for Conscious Leadership. She is a catalyst for leaders and organization transformation, to cultivate conscious leadership and raise the level of consciousness in business. She is an experienced leader with over 13 years of service in several different types of organizations. She has been practicing mindfulness meditation for over 10 years and loves to teach leaders how to bring the gift of presence in their lives and their leadership. She is deeply committed to raising consciousness in business to ensure a bright future for humanity.  

Event organizer: International Centre for Conscious Leadership

 The International Centre for Conscious Leadership was founded by Stephane Leblanc and Jeanne Rahilly. After many years of leadership in large international businesses, Stephane and Jeanne are now dedicating their lives to be catalysts for the transformation of leaders and organizations and the rise of consciousness in business. Stephane is the CEO and Jeanne the Vice President and Chief Creative Officer. The center organizes several large impactful leadership conferences around the world, leads leadership transformation workshops with senior leadership teams, leads well-being workshops for employees inside organizations and offers coaching for leaders. The Centre is based in Montreal, Canada.

Click here for tickets.


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