Event - DC Climathon at Gw: Hack Resilience

This event will take place on Friday, October 27, 2017, 3:00 PM – Saturday, October 28, 2017, 3:00 PM EDT. It will take place at Duquès Hall, George Washington University, 2201 G Street Northwest, Washington, DC. The 2017 Climathon: Hack Resilience is produced by GW Office of Sustainability in partnership with Resilient DC and 100 Resilient Cities.

A vibrant atmosphere, energizing food, and drinks, inspirational workshops and talks, like-minded people, a chill-out and sleep area, as well as many other surprises await you. 

Become a climate hacker and be part of the 24-hour #Climathon in Washington D.C. on October 27!
Solve the climate challenges put forward by the Washington D.C. Department of Energy & Environment and the George Washington University (GW) Office of Sustainability in the area of resilient cities and climate change adaptation.

Join the #Climathon D.C. as a developer, entrepreneur, technical or non-technical expert or student with an existing idea, or simply to work on a new solution with an inspiring team. Experts and mentors will support your team in finding the best solutions to the challenges during the 24 hours.


All teams can win up to $10,000 in cash prizes, get the possibility to present the idea to city officials and will receive various goodies.


For developers, students, entrepreneurs, technical and non-technical experts alike, with or without a precise idea, who want to create new solutions on the day of the Climathon. The best solutions will win some prizes and also get the chance to enter the GW New Venture Competition to get accelerated.


The Washington D.C. Department of Energy & Environment and the George Washington University (GW) Office of Sustainability are calling for your innovative ideas and solutions to our pressing climate change challenge: Hack Resilience

By 2100, the average U.S. temperature is projected to increase between 3°–12°F. Local institutions face intense changes that impact the spread of disease, freshwater supply, ability to grow crops, species extinction, and damage to infrastructure. Communities need to mitigate the warming and prepare for the pending changes.

The solutions should focus on:

Preparing District residents for emerging impacts and future impacts such as urban heat island effect, extreme weather events, and increased flooding. Participants will focus on elderly, low-income, and populations with access and/or functional needs.

Deployment—enable grassroots/community-based creation and involvement including social capital and community building, neighborhood-led infrastructure, and communication methods and connectivity.


Friday, October 27
  • Check-in (3:00 pm)
  • Start of Hackathon
  • Workshops (e.g.Business Modeling, Resilience ext)
  • Dinner
  • Office Hours with Mentors

Saturday, October 28
  • Midnight Yoga (12:00 am)
  • Check-in (1:00 am)
  • Morning Yoga (6:00 am)
  • Breakfast (7:00 am)
  • Pitch Practice with Mentors
  • Lunch (12:00 pm)
  • Judges Arrive
  • Final Pitch Competition (2:10 pm)
  • Closing & Wrap Up (3:00 pm)


Who can participate?

Entrepreneurs, students, app developers, technical and non-technical experts alike and citizens who want to contribute to the sustainable development of the District.

How do we work on the day?

You can come along with a pre-existing idea* and work with a team to develop this during the 24 hours, or can develop an idea with a team which is built on the day.

*Idea development of 3 weeks or less recommended

I cannot program, can I still join the event?

People with various backgrounds are encouraged to join the event. Innovative solutions to the local climate change problems can take different forms and do not need to include an application.

How can I contact the organiser with any questions?

You can a message through the exclusive Facebook Group. You will receive access information to the group once you register.

To register click here.


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