GRI and SDG Certified Training Courses

Certified training courses on the GRI Standards and the SDGs will take place in Minneapolis, MN on October 19-20, 2017 and in Denver, CO on November 16-17, 2017.  Other upcoming certified training courses will be held in San Francisco, Lagos, Nigeria, New York, San Diego and Nairobi, Kenya

The GRI Certified training content will review the transition from GRI G4 to the new GRI Standards. Participants will learn how to use the new GRI Standards including how to manage the reporting process, assess an organization’s significant impacts, select report topics and performance measures, and follow best practices for developing top-quality sustainability reports.

Following the GRI Training, participants will walk away with a better understanding of how GRI relates to their specific organization, how it applies to daily business scenarios and how it can help with strategic planning


GRI G4 to GRI Standards: 8:30 AM–4:30 PM
GRI Standards and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 8:30 AM–4:30 PM


The 2-day training is taught by working sustainability reporting professionals with in-depth knowledge of the GRI, CDP, IIRC Integrated Reporting, GRESB Reporting Frameworks and decades of experience managing enterprise-level reporting projects across a variety of sectors. A blend of instruction, individual and group exercises, guest speakers and real-world examples keeps the course engaging and lively.


Individual: G4 to GRI Standards $600
Individual: G4 to GRI Standards + SDGs $900
Team of 3: G4 to GRI Standards $1,500
Team of 3: G4 to GRI Standards + SDGs $2,400
Step 1 of 2 - Registrant Information 50%

* Registration includes instruction, Globally recognized GRI Certificates of Training Completion, meals, refreshments, and learning materials.

Click here to register.


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