Energize Schools Energy Conservation Competition

The Energize Schools Energy Conservation Competition is a three-week challenge that gives schools in Southern California the chance to compete for prizes by reducing their energy usage. Since 2014 Energize Schools has worked with Energy and Facilities Managers to help Southern California schools reduce their energy by 391,383 kWh saving $58,883 and slashing 192,884 lbs. of CO2.

This is a fun competition ideal for school environmental clubs, green teams, leadership clubs Science & engineering classes as well as any students and faculty who want to make a difference.

Energize Schools provides lesson planning or in-class instruction support as well as guidance on identifying, planning, and implementing conservation strategies from an Energy Advisor assigned to your school The Energize Schools resources package contains a sample lesson plan, participation guide, and conservation action plan.

As explained by San Diego High Teacher Eric Burtson: "My International Baccalaureate Physics students have a unit on energy, power, and climate change. It's a mandatory part of their curriculum. The School Energy Conservation Competition was a perfect complement to their studies, helping them see how they could make a difference. The Competition component made it fun."

The Fall 2017 competition takes place from October 26th to November 15th (the registration period ends on October 2, 2017). The competition is open to K-12 schools in Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) in Southern California Edison (SCE) service territory. Other eligibility restrictions apply contact Sophia at sophia@seiinc.org to find out more. 

Prizes for the top three schools that achieve the highest percentage reduction in their electricity use:

1st Place = $900
2nd Place = $700
3rd Place = $500

Three additional prizes of $300 will be awarded to the school with the best conservation campaign materials. 

Register before October 1st and participate in the October 4th Informational Webinar from 3:30-4:30pm PST. Click here to register or download the Competition Flyers


Make sure to see the article titled, "Comprehensive Green School Information and Resources." It contains links to over 350 posts covering everything you need to know about sustainable academics, green school buildings, student eco-initiatives, and college rankings as well as a wide range of related information and resources.


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