Al Gore on Climate Action and Trump's Denial (Videos)

Former Vice President and climate crusader Al Gore was initially non-committal about Donald Trump.  Gore met with Trump in December last year and many hoped that he would be able to explain the science, economics and politics of climate change to the then president-elect.

In January, Gore was part of a panel moderated by Amy Goodman at the Sundance Film Festival. In this interview Gore indicated that he was still waiting to see what the the Trump administration does on the climate front. Gore was more forthcoming in his assessment of Trump's Secretary of State, the former CEO of Exxon, Rex Tillerson.

Gore's hopes were dashed when Trump announced that he was withdrawing the US from the Paris Climate Agreement. We now know that the truth about the Trump administration. This government is aggressively striving to end climate action in the US.

In this video Gore says special interest groups with funding and support from big polluters is the reason why climate denial has taken over the White House. Gore explains that such groups have spent hundreds of millions of dollars on well-coordinated campaigns to spread doubt in the media and sway public opinion about the reality of the crisis.

Nonetheless Gore has faith in the American people and their ability to see through this subterfuge. He specifically points to the popularity of rapidly growing clean energy.

Watch the video below to hear Vice President Gore explain how some carbon polluters are spreading doubt about the true nature of climate change and how the clean energy revolution gives him hope for the future.

More than a decade after the release of the groundbreaking film "An Inconvenient Truth," Gore released a new film about the climate crisis. On July 28th 2017 the sequel to "An Inconvenient Truth" hit theaters, it is titled "Truth to Power". Despite Trump Gore is hopeful that we will meet the threat of climate change. "it is right to save humanity" Gore says, adding, "it is right to give hope to humanity". Watch the Truth to Power trailer below.



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