Nations Discuss Details of the Paris Climate Deal in Bonn

Now that we have secured an agreement at COP 21, nations are meeting in Bonn, Germany to iron out the details of the plan. We know what the goal is but now we must do the work to find pathways to get to that objective and beyond it. The stated goal in the Paris Climate Agreement is to keep temperatures from rising no more than 1.5 - 2.0 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial norms. However the carbon reduction pledges that have been submitted so far will not achieve this objective. At present we are on a trajectory towards three degrees of warming. The scientists believe that more robust pledges could allow us to reach the Paris goal. However, we must act and we must act soon. To have a shot we must see emissions peak no later than 2020.

While Paris was driven in part by popular support, the Bonn conference is taking place in virtual obscurity. However this is the place where different strategies are being explored. In what is being called a "Climate Action Fair" participants in Bonn are assessing the economic value of carbon. Ever elusive carbon pricing will also have to be considered as an important part of the suite of solutions that help us meet our target.

It is expected that there will be a pronounced role for non-state actors which includes cities, regions, businesses and investors.

Momentum on the ground is changing post Paris and people are prepared to take to the streets to demonstrate. To illustrate the point in the last little while there have been anti-fossil fuel protests in Germany, the Philippines, and Bangladesh

Now is not the time for negotiation explained Morocco’s Foreign Minister Salaheddine Mezouar, now is the time for cooperation and implementation, he said. 

The COP22 talks, will take place in Marrakech, Morocco, in November.


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