Event - ASEAN Sustainable Energy Week 2016

This event will take place on June 1 - 4, 2016 in Bangkok, Thailand. The ASEAN region presents huge opportunities for the use of Renewable Energy and member states are increasingly focusing on Renewable programs in order to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels. ASEAN Sustainable Energy Week, ASEAN’s largest and most comprehensive renewable energy, environmental & energy effi ciency exhibition will showcase cutting-edge machinery, equipment and technology – including the latest wind and solar power systems.

Renewable Energy Asia 2016

The 12th South East Asia's Renewable Energy Technology Exhibition and Conference will focus on the latest renewable energy programs, trends and development, including green energy opportunities for entrepreneurs.

The show highlights Renewable Energy sources and the latest technology in this area. Wind & Solar Power are among the many systems & programs featured along with Thermal and Waste-to-energy, Hydo-powered programs, Bio-mass and other green technology also covered. Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Clinics staffed by experts are conducted at the show.

The ASEAN region presents huge opportunities for the use of Renewable Energy and member states are increasingly focusing on Renewable programs in order to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels. Renewable Energy systems and fuels help ensure a more sustainable and environmentally friendly power supply. They are also far more economical. Today, countries are doing their best to come up with individual renewable energy policies. For example.

Thailand is currently promoting Renewable Energy as a national agenda supported by a Master Plan called "Alternative Energy Development Plan (2012-2021)." The goal is to increase the share of renewable energy to 25% of the country's energy demand by the year 2021.

In Laos the government is embarked on developing Biomass, Biofuel and Wind Energy with the goal of achieving 30 percent of national energy consumption from Renewable sources by 2025.

The Philippines has developed the Philippine Energy Plan 2007-2014 which emphasizes self-sufficiency for energy independence. The Plan increases the use of Renewable energy and alternative fuels for a much cleaner environment.

The Malaysian Government has backed the launch of the Small Renewable Energy Power Program (SREP) which is among numerous steps being taken by the government to encourage the use of Re for clean power generation.

Entech Pollutec Asia 2016

The 26th International Exhibition of Environmental Protection and Pollution control Technology will feature a wide variety of the latest pollution control technology and equipment. There is strong demand here because of the major industrial growth now taking place in South East Asia.

Many environmental sectors are covered including Waste-to-energy which features technology required in many areas. The latest pollution eliminating systems along with other environmental technology is also on display. A special Business Matchmaking program will set up appointments between exhibitors and suppliers at the event. Major Seminars and Conferences are also featured throughout the exhibition.

ASEAN presents multiple business opportunities for environmental technology firms. Each country has individual challenges to deal with, most notably for water and wastewater - An excellent opportunity for much-needed business. For example.

At the recent Copenhagen Climate Summit Malaysia adopted a plan designed to reduce emissions 40% by 2020. It also committed to water treatment technology and the cleanup of energy projects such as soil remediation. The Philippines also suffers from water-related problems and 20-50% of the population still does not have access to safe drinking water. The state and local governments are funding these projects. Thailand's pollution control equipment and environmental services market has been estimated at 15 bilion USD. It is expected that the industry will grow at 5-10 percent per annum.

Industrial expansion, rising public awareness, strengthened legislation and economic growth has already given environmental firms a significant advantage in the ASEAN market, especially in Thailand. In fact the government has prioritized development of water supplies, wastewater management, and sewerage development. Big opportunities also exist in the area of solid waste removal and management in Bangkok and its Provinces. Another environmental problem that needs to be addressed in Thailand is hazardous industrial waste. Major opportunities consist of on-site treatment at industrial estates and medical waste management in many areas.

Expansion of the environmental industry relies on the technology and expertise of foreign products and services. Locally made products meet general standards for environmental needs, but specialized products must be imported. Currently 70 to 80 percent of environmental equipment is imported each year.

Energy Efficiency Expo 2016

The 2ndInternational Exhibition of Energy Efficiency Technology Exhibition and Conference will review the easiest and most cost effective ways to combat climate change, clean the air we breathe, improve the competitiveness of our businesses and reduce energy costs for consumers.

Energy Efficiency (EE) has become universally recognized as one of the most cost-effective ways of achieving energy security, addressing climate change and promoting competitiveness. ASEAN presents an increasing number of market opportunities for suppliers of Energy Efficiency technologies, products and services. Potential improvements in Energy Efficiency exist in all economies across all sectors; domestically, in factories, office buildings, airports, shopping malls, hospitals, power plants, and more.

Energy Efficiency (EE) has become universally recognized as one of the most cost-effective ways of achieving energy security, addressing climate change and promoting competitiveness. ASEAN presents an increasing number of market opportunities for suppliers of Energy Efficiency technologies, products and services. Potential improvements in Energy Efficiency exist in all economies across all sectors; domestically, in factories, office buildings, airports, shopping malls, hospitals, power plants, and more.

The ASEAN energy efficiency market is still in its infancy. But a recent study indicates that by 2020, ASEAN could achieve efficiency gains of between 12% and 30%, a projection that would translate into power savings ranging between USD 15 billion and USD 43 billion.


The 20-year Energy Efficiency Development Plan (EEDP) has been formulated to reduce energy usage 30% by 2036, compared to 2010. This is equivalent to reducing actual energy consumption by 25% in 2005. Assistance includes both financial and technical measures and will also be provided for small operators such as SMEs - particularly funding via the Standard Offer Program (SOP) and technical assistance via the Energy Efficiency Resource Standards (EERS) Plan.

For more information click here.


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  1. Most of the Asian countries are working hard to meet growing demand for electricity, with many targeted renewable fossil fuels.
