Connect the Blue Dots National Day of Action

On Sunday, April 19 there will be a national day of action in support of environmental rights. This includes fresh air, clean water and healthy food.  As part of the Blue Dot movement people are coming together all across the country.

So far more than 70,000 Canadians have signed up to participate in events that are planned in more than 60 communities from coast to coast (the actual turn out is expected to far exceed this number).

Big and small events will take place in living rooms and community spaces, parks and outdoor places. All of these events are intended to protect the people and places that we love.

In Halifax, the Dalhousie Bike Centre will lead a bike ride to Long Lake Provincial Park, where the Dalhousie Outdoor Society will lead a hike. Then people will come together at Victoria Park in downtown Halifax for a community celebration that will include food, music, speakers, a seed-starting station and a letter writing station where attendees can paint a postcard and send it to their local municipal councilor.

There will be an art exhibit and community celebration at the Cardinal Tea room on St. Lawrence Boulevard, in Montreal. Another event in Hudson Quebec (just outside of Montreal) will focus on the International Year of Soils. This event will reflect on past accomplishments, current challenges, and strategies to protect soils and ourselves from harmful pesticide use. There will be info tables, art exhibits, speakers, a screening of the film A Chemical Reaction, and a discussion with people from the documentary. For more information click here.

Dozens of other events will be taking place right across the country. These events will demonstrate in a "compelling, visible way," the growing number of Canadians who believe in the right to live in a healthy environment.

Click here for more information or to find an event near you.


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