Book Launch - Living Ecological Justice

The book launch event for "Living Ecological Justice" will take place on Tuesday December 10, 2013, at the Toronto School of Theology, 47 Queens Park Crescent E (2 blocks south of Museum subway station) from 7pm to 9pm. Free-will donations will be accepted.

Enjoy a panel discussion with book contributors Stephen Scharper, Rev. Willard Metzger and Joy Kennedy, recently returned from Climate talks in Warsaw (see biographies below). The evening will include a question and answer session and workshop activities to help you explore ways to make the best use of this resource in your own congregation. Refreshments will follow.

Living Ecological Justice: A Biblical Response to the Environmental Crisis is an ecumenical workshop and action guide on creation care. It contains a series of reflections by leading thinkers in ecotheology, as well as suggested activities which make it a perfect discussion book for a study group.

Living Ecological Justice addresses the following questions:

How do we become closer to Christ through a deepening relationship with creation? What does it mean, from an Indigenous and biblical perspective, for God to have a covenant with all of creation? What will it take for Canadian churches to step up their advocacy efforts in the face of climate change? How can ecological justice become part of our worship services? How do we move from the idea of human dominion of the earth to one of creation justice?

Copies of Living Ecological Justice will be available for $10. Consider giving this book as a thought- provoking Christmas present or stocking stuffer.

Hosted by Bloor Street United Church, Citizens for Public Justice, Green Awakening Network, Trinity St. Paul’s United Church.

Some information about our guest speakers:

Stephen Bede Scharper is Associate Professor of Environment, Religion, and Anthropology at the University of Toronto. A Toronto Star columnist and Senior Fellow of Massey College, he is the author of For Earth's Sake: Toward a Compassionate Ecology and co-author of The Green Bible.

Joy Kennedy has worked in Poverty, Wealth and Ecological Justice for The United Church of Canada, and KAIROS. She chairs the Commission on Justice and Peace of the Canadian Council of Churches, and is involved in the Canadian Interfaith Conversation, the World Council of Churches, and many justice networks. She is on the boards of the Climate Action Network (CAN-rac) and Green Communities Canada. The well being of her grandchildren and all children everywhere insprires her passion and love for the whole Earth Communitiy.

Willard Metzger is the Executive Director of Mennonite Church Canada. He is eager to engage with leaders, congregations, students, young adults, and business entrepreneurs to share in the task of shaping the church in Canada. He has served in Christian leadership roles for over two decades and has extensive experience speaking in setting s across a wide diversity of Christian expression.

For more information:
Contact Name: Jennifer Gordon
Phone: (905) 771-5124 or E-mail:

Click here to register online.

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