Stand Up For Science: Canadian Rallies Against the Federal Government's Cuts and Censorship

Today, Monday September 16th, 2013, people across Canada are standing up for science against a federal government who has systematically eroded federal support for scientific research.

The campaign know as “Stand Up for Science” includes rallies scheduled for 14 cities across Canada. At these gatherings people will demand that the federal government stop their anti-science campaign and provide more support for science which is in the public interest.

Most Canadians want policy and legislation that is based on the best scientific research. However, under Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper federally funded science has been decimated either through budget cuts or through communications restrictions. Their scientific censorship opposes basic freedoms and the public interest. Scientists should have the freedom to comment and help inform policy.

The ruling Conservatives are powerful supporters of the oil industry and the tar sands in particular. This may be one of the factors behind their anti-science crusade. It should come as no surprise that they have limited scientific research and censored scientists that expose petrochemicals which make people sick and contribute to climate change.

As Canadians we need to stand up for science. Click here for more information about the Stand Up For Science rallies, taking place across Canada on Monday, Sept. 16.

© 2013, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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