Al Gore Fears a Romney Presidency and Credits Obama

In a sit-down interview with TakePart, former Vice President Al Gore says he “would fear for the future of our environmental policy” if Mitt Romney were elected President in November.

Gore’s comments were taped in San Francisco on Tuesday, August 21, two days before the presumptive GOP presidential nominee unveiled his energy plan, which many environmentalists were quick to criticize, arguing that it would double down on America’s dependence on dirty fossil fuels like oil and gas. The former Massachusetts governor did not mention climate change once in his speech.

Gore was in the Bay Area to give an updated version of his An Inconvenient Truth slideshow presentation to more than 1,000 environmental activists in San Francisco. The Nobel Laureate’s hour-long presentation was part of a three-day Climate Reality Leadership training conference organized by The Climate Reality Project.

Gore also weighed in on President Obama’s environmental record, praising him for the passage of the green stimulus and for the biggest increase ever in auto mileage standards.

To see the video interview click here.

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