US Protests Against the Keystone XL Tar Sands Oil Pipeline

Canada wants to build a pipeline to transport tar sands oil from the province of Alberta all the way down to refineries in Texas. Earth friendly groups see the 1,700-mile long pipeline, known as the Keystone XL, as a disaster for the environment. According to Dr. Hansen who is one of America’s top climate scientists, the full exploitation of Canada’s tar sands would constitute a “game over” scenario for efforts to solve climate change.

Now that it has Canadian approval, the fate of the Keystone XL Pipeline is in the hands of President Obama. The President will decide on the fate of the pipeline as early as September. This decision will have dire implications for renewable energy production. The more access the US has to tar sands oil, the less it will turn to renewable sources of energy.

The pipeline negatively impacts wind power projects scheduled for Maryland, Virginia and DC and many other states that are developing their own renewable energy resources. In Maryland and Virginia alone there is enough offshore wind energy to power millions of electric cars indefinitely and without pollution.

From August 15th to September 5th, thousands of Americans – including Bill McKibben, Danny Glover, and NASA’s Dr. James Hansen – will be protesting at the White House, demanding that Obama reject the tar sands. To be part of this historic protest click here.

© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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