Sustainable Practices are a Strategic Priority for Business

There are significant opportunities for business related to the war against climate change. Economic returns are powerful incentives driving businesses to adopt more sustainable practices.

Those who acted early are already seeing a return on their investment and gaining a competitive advantage.

Some are waiting for long-term targets that will stimulate the full level of investment in low carbon solutions. However, failure to incorporate more sustainable practices puts firms at risk. Companies who wait for regulation may fall too far behind to catch up to companies that are already seizing opportunities.

To help governments identify climate change opportunities and areas where they need support, businesses must understand these issues and communicate their concerns.

Although an increasing number of companies are reporting reduction targets on carbon only 35 percent of the world's 500 largest companies are engaging with policy agencies and governments to drive climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Business has a key role to play, those companies who act ahead of regulation will be remembered as pioneers, those who wait, risk falling too far behind to catch up.

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