Republicans for Environmental Protection

Republicans for Environmental Protection (REP), was founded in 1995 to resurrect the GOP's great conservation tradition and to restore natural resource conservation and sound environmental protection as fundamental elements of the Republican Party's vision for America.

REP are conservatives who share a deep concern for the environment.They know that a healthy environment and a sound economy are both essential to the nations prosperity. They believe that by working together, Americans can preserve the environment and develop the economy for current and future generations.

The REP shares common environmental priorities including heathy food, clean air and water. They recognize the importance of clean, efficient businesses and industries and they support strong, results-oriented enforcement of environmental laws.

REP would like to see funding of natural resource stewardship and environmental protection, protection of national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, wild lands and waters. They would also like to see effective legal protection for threatened and endangered plants and animals in their native habitats.

Despite the anti-science stance of many Republicans, national security issues and changing global markets will make climate change denial increasingly untenable.

When Republicans come to terms with the science on climate change, the REP illustrates that there is a ready-made ideological base for conservatives who adopt green values and concerns.

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