Democrats the Environment and Green Jobs

Over the last couple of years the Democrats have passed legislation that staved off economic calamity. Contrary to the Republican attacks ads, the President's stimulus package has helped to create jobs and is poised to do more in the next couple of years.

A January 2010 report by the President’s Council of Economic Advisers found the clean energy provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act had already saved or created 63000 jobs and they are expected to create more than 700,000 green jobs by 2012.

Green careers could play an important role in the ongoing recovery of the US economy and they are crucial to future job growth. Green holds more potential for real economic growth than any other industry.

Clean energy is a national security issue and an issue of global competitiveness. President Obama wants to advance green industry so that the US can be a competitive leader.

Many Democrats understand that we do not need to choose between a healthy economy and a healthy environment. The President and many Democrats seek to create green jobs by promoting clean technologies, for this generation and future generations.

A recent Pew Research Centre poll showed just 16% of Republicans say the earth is warming because of human activity, compared to 53% for Democrats.

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