IMD and WWF's Sustainable Business Program

The WWF's One Planet Leaders Program (OPL) is now being taught at Lausanne, Switzerland's IMD. The WWF and IMD's innovative training program drives sustainability into the core of business.

The program’s learning focus is on developing a winning business case and robust strategy for change, leading to sustainable practices which also deliver more profit to the company. The program is designed for leaders who operate at a strategic level and can drive change, and is also open to managers in business functions such as general management, R&D, procurement/supply, marketing and sales; and in sustainability functions.

Participants are part of a global network of peers and experts, and learn from an inspiring faculty which draws from the best of academia, NGOs and the private sector. The program began in fall 2010 and features three 3-day modules focused on strategy, change management and leadership in the sustainability context.

Participants work on their real-world sustainability challenges while being introduced to the complex issues and best practices in sustainability. Pre-, inter- and post-module support will help participants drive and sustain their sustainability change initiatives.

Companies will benefit by having their top managers drive innovation to build competitive advantage while solving some of the key sustainability challenges facing the planet.

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