350.org's 10/10/10 Event

We are one month away from the 350.org event, 10/10/10: The Global Work Party for Climate Justice. On October 10, 2010, thousands of environmentally oriented events will take place around the world. Organizers are calling it "A Day to Celebrate Climate Solutions--working together in our communities on projects that can cut carbon and build a clean energy future."

350.org is an international grassroots campaign that aims to mobilize a global climate movement united by a common call to action. By spreading an understanding of the science and a shared vision for a fair policy, they seek solutions to the climate crisis.

The organization's name comes from the fact that 350 parts per million (PPM) is the number that leading scientists say is the safe upper limit for carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. We need to get below 350ppm to avoid runaway climate change. To achieve this goal, 350.org employs a different kind of PPM, the people powered movement.

When it comes to promoting international events, 350.org has proven its ability to successfully dial into the vast reach of social media. Last year, they made history with the International Day for Climate Action, the largest event in human history.

For the 10/10/10 event, thousands of people around the world have already registered their plans, including bike repair workshoppers in San Francisco, school insulating teams in London, waste-land-to-veggies-gardeners in New Zealand, and solar panel installers in Kenya. The day is intended to pressure leaders to Get To Work on carbon reductions by passing strong climate legislation, promoting clean energy and reducing emissions.

With events already scheduled in over 140 countries, 10/10/10 is a day when people all around the world people will be acting on their shared commitment to reduce anthropogenic carbon.

To be part of what is sure to be the biggest day of practical action to cut carbon that the world has ever seen, register an event in your community or share this post and encourage people to Get to Work on 10/10/10.

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