Grade 10 Climate Change Education in Ontario

Although the provincial government under Premiere Rob Ford has systematically dismantled climate action in Ontario, students in that province can still have access to the facts about global warming.  

Evidence for Climate Change offers an inquiry-based educational resource for Grade 10 students in Ontario. Hands-on activities focused on heat, carbon dioxide, and thermal expansion explore the essential science behind climate change.

Students are introduced to the observational data for climate change and the climate models that describe the principal factors involved. Opportunities are provided throughout the resource for students to consider how they contribute to both the problem and the solution.

Math topics include using trigonometry and geometry to calculate the carbon stored in trees, using algebraic equations to calculate carbon footprints, and solving linear relations to make better decisions.

The Ontario Curriculum Connections is a digital resource is designed to excite learning in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM), with an emphasis on global competencies—including critical thinking and problem solving, collaboration, and communication.

For more information click here.

Comprehensive Green School Information and Resources 2010 - 2018 


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