Event - International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social Sustainability

The Fifteenth International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social Sustainability will take place on January 17-19, 2019 at UBC Region Square in Vancouver, British Columbia.

The conference features research addressing the following annual themes:

  • Theme 1: Environmental Sustainability
  • Theme 2: Sustainability in Economic, Social and Cultural Context
  • Theme 3: Sustainability Policy and Practice
  • Theme 4: Sustainability Education 2019 Special Focus: From Pedagogies for Sustainability to Transformative Social Change.


Charlene Aleck (Plenary Speaker) is serving a third term as elected council of Tsleil Waututh Nation, a First Nations government in the Canadian province of British Columbia. She is working on the TWN Sacred Trust Initiative team, whose mandate is to oppose the Trans Mountain Expansion Project pipeline (TMX project). She is a mother of four and a grandmother. Plenary Speaker - Robert Gifford

Robert Gifford is an environmental psychologist and Professor of Psychology and Environmental Studies at the University of Victoria. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, the Canadian Psychological Association, the Association for Psychological Science, and the International Association of Applied Psychology, and he is the recipient of a Career Award from the Environmental Design Research Association. Professor Gifford is the author of 140 refereed publications and book chapters in addition to five editions of Environmental Psychology: Principles and Practice. His 2016 book (as editor) is Research Methods for Environmental Psychology. He was the Chief Editor of the Journal of Environmental Psychology for fourteen years and has served as President of the Environmental Psychology division of the International Association of Applied Psychology, APA’s Population and Environment Division, and CPA’s environmental section. He also tries to grow roses and vegetables at his rocky hillside home, but the deer and raccoons think he is growing them for their benefit. Plenary Speaker - Eduardo Jovel

Eduardo Jovel is a Mayan-Pipil descendant. He is an Associate Professor and Director of the Indigenous Research Partnerships, Faculty of Land & Food Systems at UBC. His research interests include Indigenous people’s worldviews and the role Indigenous knowledge, particularly plant uses and medical practices and ceremony, health, and wellness. He also explores the intersections between gender, research ethics, and culturally respectful mobilization of Indigenous knowledge. Dr. Jovel aims to integrate interdisciplinary research practices, Indigenous knowledge, and biocultural diversity to support Indigenous resurgence, education, and research. He is actively engaged in building Indigenous land-based research and education environments. Conference Chair - David Humphreys

Dr. David Humphreys, Professor of Environmental Policy, The Open University, United Kingdom. He is proud to work teaching and researching sustainability and environmental policy at what he regards as the world’s leader in distance university teaching. He began his career specializing in international forest policy on which he was written two books, Forest Politics: The Evolution of International Cooperation (1996) and Logjam: Deforestation and the Crisis of Global Environmental Governance (2006). His interests in heritage include the natural and built environments, with a particular interest in the reconstruction of Beirut. He has also published on climate change politics, geoengineering, the democratic regulation of transnational corporations, and the emerging jurisprudence of rights of nature. With Spencer Stober he edited the Common Ground volume Transitions to Sustainability: Theoretical Debates for a Changing Planet (2014). His academic awards include the International Studies Association’s Harold and Margaret Sprout Award (2008) and an Honorary Fellowship from the Institute of Chartered Foresters (2015).

Local Organizing Committee

  • Dr. Peter Cole, Associate Professor, Indigenous Education,Department of Curriculum & Pedagogy, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia
  • Dr. Samson Nashon, Head & Professor of Science Education,Department of Curriculum & Pedagogy, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia
  • Dr. Pat O’Riley, Honorary Associate Professor, Department of Curriculum & Pedagogy, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia
  • Dr. Kerry Renwick, Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum & Pedagogy, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia

This conference is organized in partnership University of British Columbia - Department of Curriculum & Pedagogy, Faculty of Education.

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