Event - Disruptive Sustainability Technologies Summit

The Disruptive Sustainability Technologies Summit will be held on Thursday, August 23 at the Sheraton Palo Alto, CA. This conference is like no other, examining major trends in sustainability technologies and how they are likely to drive unprecedented changes inside multinational companies. Join others looking for the next big thing at this one of kind program.

This day long discussion will examine major trends in sustainability solutions and how they are likely to drive unprecedented changes inside multinational companies. This Summit convenes public company executives (sustainability, EHS, innovation, strategy, leadership, change management and other relevant titles), mergers and acquisition experts, academics and futurists for a look out at the horizon on how sustainability technologies may disrupt business models as companies move toward a new way of creating value. Engage, discover, and apply innovations for sustainability and EHS executives.

​The format will take the form of a series of moderated panels and​ ​presentations, and ample networking time throughout the day. Participants will take away knowledge on how to engage disruptive events and technologies proactively and how to best leverage them for greater success. ​ ​

At this summit you will learn what you can expect in disruptive sustainability technologies.  You can explore the impact of sustainability solutions on long term value as well as plan for ways to innovate through change, merger/acquisition or growth. See the latest practices in how to build company resilience by successfully moving through disruptions caused by sustainability technologies. ​

Topics that will be covered include:
  • The Nexus for Exclusive Insight, Empowering Executives to Navigate Change
  • Shareholder Engagement and Activism
  • CSR and Sustainability Investment Management
  • Capital Markets Resilience
  • Innovation and Cyber Security ​
Delegate registration Fee is $1,395. For more information contact Skytop Strategies 475 Park Ave. South, Suite 920, New York, NY 10016, info@skytopstrategies.com ​

Click here for the list of speakers
Click here for the agenda
Click here to register.

Innovative Re-imagining of Sustainability


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