Event - Financing the 21st Century (GLOBE Capital)

This event will take place April 4 - 5, 2017 in Toronto, Canada at the Four Seasons Hotel.

Financial markets and policy decision-makers will come together to make better-informed decisions and pursue better returns for risk profiles. Leaders will discuss how to mobilize and accelerate the capital necessary to transform our economy.

To ensure prosperity through the coming decades, leading economies will need to invest heavily in advanced and resilient infrastructure. For the private sector, the upside is huge: Necessary global investment is projected at US $90 trillion by 2030. In response, GLOBE Capital will explore how to open the floodgates of investment necessary to fully realize this opportunity. Our goals are to attract both innovation and new pools of capital to fund advanced, low-carbon infrastructure while mitigating investment risk and enhancing returns. Senior decision-makers from across North America, in both the public and private sectors, who are critical to this conversation will come together in Canada’s finance capital. Together, they will explore ideas with a 360° lens focused on mobilizing the investment necessary for positive economic transformation.

Who You’ll Meet

350 senior decision-makers from the major financial centres in North America, such as: Chief Executive, Chief Investment and Chief Risk Officers from Merchant, Investment and Chartered banks Major Pension Funds Family Trusts Asset Funds Venture capitalists and angel investors Federal, regional, and municipal policy makers Senior insurance, reinsurance and corporate stakeholders Leaders of NGO’s and civil society organizations

The Three Pillars of GLOBE Capital 2017

1. 21st Century Infrastructure

Explore how a country can aid its competitive advantage by being investment leaders in sustainable infrastructure. As well, hear from leading CEOs on how companies might access the opportunities and manage the possible risks of a new low-carbon reality.

2. Financing and Markets

The key is to ensure that projects are sustainable and investor-ready. The important factors we are facing include lowering carbon emissions, decreasing operational costs, and, increasing collaboration among private sector players and multi-levels of government.  

3. Policy and Innovation

Uncover how start-ups can avoid the valley of death on the road to commercialization. Also, take part in important discussions on bridging the gaps between R & D spends; utilizing existing low-carbon technology; and, rolling out clean-tech at scale for new infrastructures.  

Who You’ll Meet

350 senior decision-makers from the major financial centres in North America, such as: Chief Executive, Chief Investment and Chief Risk Officers from Merchant, Investment and Chartered banks Major Pension Funds Family Trusts Asset Funds Venture capitalists and angel investors Federal, regional, and municipal policy makers Senior insurance, reinsurance and corporate stakeholders Leaders of NGO’s and civil society organizations

To register or for more information click here.


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