Event - McGill Sustainability Research Symposium

Planning is now underway for the 7th annual McGill Sustainability Research Symposium on ‘Resilience’. This event will take place at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec.

Sustainability research is, by design and necessity, interdisciplinary; researchers in this field require platforms and spaces to share ideas and create connections. The symposium meets this need by bringing together faculty, students, and leaders from the Montreal community to share research on, and solutions for, sustainability challenges that we face today.

Organizers are being sought for the 2017 edition. The event is growing into a two-day event and there are exciting opportunities associated with this event. They are looking for people with good interpersonal and logistical skills with an interest in sustainability science. They are striving to assemble a diverse team with people from different faculties and disciplines.

To see a summary of the 2016 edition, titled Technology for Sustainability, click here.

If you would like more information or are interested in becoming involved, please contact sustainability.symp@gmail.com


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