Event - Earth Day Summit (Free & Online)

This event will take place on Earth Day, April 22, 2016. At this event you will discover inspired sctions for a healthy, sustainable and thriving planet. We’re at a critical turning point... one where EACH OF US is called to meet the global crises we all face today with innovation and ingenuity.

It’s time to come together and use the miraculous collective power of our hearts and minds, to stretch our creative capacities beyond what we’ve known. And it’s time to be fearless and to expand our consciousness to include our WHOLE planet with ALL of its majestic inhabitants!

You may feel hopeless or helpless about the enormous challenges we all face — from the toxins in our food systems, to the garbage masses in our oceans, to the extinction of entire species of plants and animals.

But there is a silver lining... when you know where to look! Innovation is underway. Solutions exist, and every day more and more amazing people are rolling up their sleeves, matching calamity with creativity, determined to fix the unfixable.

We now have access to an abundance of cutting-edge technologies, templates for effective community organizing, and life-giving ideas that make it possible for us to transcend and transform ecological destruction.

Alongside the progressive, out-of-the box inventions that can help us put an end to the madness and restore the natural world to magnificence and balance, we have heart-opening spiritual practices to assist us in re-establishing our sacred connection with Mother Earth.

Despite what the news headlines might imply, we DO have the power to change the trajectory of our planet... and all of life.

For every problem, thousands of people across the globe are working to solve it. Communities far and wide are boldly rising up to face — and in many cases, overcome — even our most terrifying environmental challenges.

Now, you’re invited to join them for a planet-changing event like no other. Earth Day Summit 2016 is an unprecedented gathering of esteemed green experts, innovators, activists, scientists, visionaries and spiritual leaders coming together to unite their wisdom for YOU.

They’re sharing creative and practical solutions, activating a global community for sustainable living on our planet.

This is a day of HOPE, where you'll discover the next inspired steps you can take to solve critical problems, including the latest tools and practices for creating a world that works for Mother Earth and all of her inhabitants.

The Elements of Inspired Action

This life-changing gathering will provide you with the exact resources and skills you’ll need to take your family, cause, organization, business, community — and our planet — to the next level of healing and wholeness.

During Earth Day Summit 2016, you’ll be enlightened and engaged by the innovative solutions and best practices being offered by leading sustainability experts and visionaries. You’ll be inspired by stories of transformation and forward momentum, as well as uplifted by soul-stirring music and poetry — all great antidotes to the negative stories the mainstream media feeds you year round.

Our outstanding speakers will be covering the following themes to create a multifaceted, holistic approach to healing the planet. They’ll offer diverse solutions to bring humans into harmony with the source of all life... Mother Earth:

Representing the physical nature of all life, we’ll address key issues and innovative, “grounded” solutions related to soil, land management and deforestation. Featured speakers include Starhawk, Foster Gamble and Marc Barasch.

Symbolic of the “element of the mind,” we’ll explore key elements for effective social change, larger communal thought patterns and our role in a living universe, as well as the issues most critical to resolving climate change. Featured speakers include Greenpeace Co-Founder Rex Weyler, Vinit Allen, Elisabet Sahtouris and Bioneers Founder CEO Kenny Ausubel.

Representing energy and movement, we’ll take a deep dive into cutting-edge energy innovations, as well as the many different environmental movements spreading quickly around the globe. Featured speakers include Pedram Shojai, Xiuhtezcatl Martinez and Vicki Robin.

Symbolic of our emotions, we’ll look at the importance of healing on the personal level (because it greatly impacts the positive work we can do in the world!), and also examine inventive solutions for creatively cleaning up life-sustaining watersheds, oceans and our precious drinking water. Featured speakers include Andrew Harvey, Cristina Smith, Connie Baxter Marlow, Andrew Cameron Bailey and Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati.

We’ll explore meditations, practices and Indigenous wisdom that can help us expand our consciousness to include ALL of the natural world, and we’ll discover many spiritual solutions to address the ecological chaos of our time — with the wisdom of Mother Earth as our guide. Featured speakers include David Crow, Steve Farrell from Humanity’s Team and more.

Earth Day Summit 2016 will engage you fully in what world-renowned ecologist Joanna Macy calls The Great Turning, “the essential adventure of our time: the shift from the industrial growth society to a life-sustaining civilization.”

It’s the expression of a world movement. We’ll go so far as to say it is the expression of the ideas and guidance from planet Earth. And this next wave will be led by top ecologists, activists, visionaries, scientists, spiritual leaders, sustainability experts... and YOU!

YOU Can Make a World of Difference

Whether you’re looking to create a more eco-friendly lifestyle, discover sustainable practices for your family, or are involved in urban planning and development, with Earth Day Summit 2016, you’ll join in a growing global community with tens of thousands of people from around the globe, who are coming together to discover exactly how to create a THRIVING world.

New to environmental issues? This special event will effectively put you on the path to a more sustainable and sacred way of engaging with life. Plus you’ll discover key practices to minimize your ecological footprint.

Educator, nonprofit professional or policy-maker? You’ll discover innovative solutions, cutting-edge practices and effective applications for igniting the change that’s needed in your sphere of influence, providing vital solutions to our global issues.

Perhaps most importantly, you’ll expand your sense of hope and possibility with real solutions and inspired offerings. You’ll be able to connect more fully with our beloved planet and all of Her inhabitants.

During this hope-filled daylong event, you’ll discover
  • Practical steps & innovative solutions for living in harmony with Mother Earth
  • Trusted resources & expert guidance for making sustainable life choices
  • A vibrant community of kindred spirits mobilizing globally to create a thriving planet
  • Powerful methods for increasing community engagement
  • Ways to take action on local levels as well as national legislative action
  • The experience of activating global consciousness, weaving the world together
  • Wisdom for creating a more sacred relationship with Mother Earth
  • Engaging stories of those who are making a difference in the world, inspiring you to take action and create your own out-of-the-box solutions
  • Invaluable insights on grassroots organizing, citizen lobbying & community action
There’s an inspiring path that’s being laid out before us... and it’s leading us to all that’s possible as we join together, leveraging our collective power to save our planet — and ALL life on it.

With guidance and beautiful inspiration from top experts from around the globe, you’re sure to come away from Earth Day Summit 2016 deeply transformed — and part of the solution.

Featured Speakers
  • Starhawk
  • Kenny Ausubel
  • Vicki Robin
  • Chief Phil Lane Jr.
  • David Crow
  • Xiuhtezcatl Martinez
  • Steve Farrell
  • Andrew Harvey
  • Foster Gamble
  • Pedram Shojai
  • Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati
  • Elisabet Sahtouris
  • Cristina Smith
  • Vinit Allen
  • Connie Baxter Marlow and Andrew Cameron Bailey
  • Marc Barasch
  • Michael deMaria
  • Adam C Hall
  • Dr. Kamala Easton
  • Marjory Wildcraft 
Host: Nathan Crane, Founder of The Panacea Community, A Global Call For Hope, Innovation and YOU.

When you sign up — at no charge — for Earth Day Summit 2016, you’ll not only enjoy each of these planet-changing sessions, you’ll also receive the following special bonus:

Five Simple & Powerful Action Steps to Take This Earth Day Welcome Video with Summit Host Nathan Crane. During this empowering video, Nathan Crane walks you through the top 5 actionable steps that you can take in honor of Earth Day (and every day!) to create a more sustainable and meaningful experience in our beautiful home. You’ll connect more directly to the planet for improved health and a deeper sense of joy and purpose in your life.

During this inspiring video, you’ll discover:
  • Lifestyle practices for living in harmony with the Earth
  • Meditation and visualization practices for the health of our planet
  • Actions you can take (right now!) to make a difference in your life & in your community
  • How to determine your key sustainability goals and simple steps to start your path
  • The Next Wave of What’s Possible
Please join us in taking sustainability and your connection to the natural world to the next level — and help co-create a thriving planet that leaves a legacy of good for generations to come.

Click here to register for free


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