GreenTouch™ Celebration: The Road to 100x Improvement in Energy Efficiency

The GreenTouch™ Celebration event will take place on Thursday, June 18th, 2015, from 10:00am – 2:30pm EDT at the Metropolitan West Pavilion in New York City. This event is being hosted by GreenTouch Consortium to announce the successful culmination of its five-year long mission to develop technologies for increasing the energy efficiencies of communications networks by a factor of 1000. The final event for the GreenTouch Consortium will feature new technology demonstrations, an announcement on updated Green Meter results and a keynote presentation followed by a special celebration for members. The event will be preceded by Working Group Sessions on 16 June.

This invitation-only event will kick off with the unveiling of the final GreenTouch “Green Meter” results showing the energy efficiencies that will ultimately be realized when new architectures and technologies are introduced in current communication networks. The presentation will also include demonstrations of key technologies. There will be ample opportunity for guests to meet with individual researchers from our member organizations and see demonstrations of individual projects.

The event, hosted by Bell Labs, marks the successful culmination of a bold quest started in 2010 to develop the architectures, specifications and roadmap for key technologies to increase the energy efficiencies of communications networks by a factor of 1000 over a five-year period.

GreenTouch is a consortium of leading Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry, academic and non-governmental research experts dedicated to fundamentally transforming communications and data networks, including the Internet, and significantly reducing the carbon footprint of communications devices, platforms and networks.

Their goal is to deliver the architecture, specifications and technologies – and demonstrate key components – needed to increase network energy efficiency by a factor of 1000 compared to 2010 levels. The vision of GreenTouch is to create ICT networks and technologies that enable a sustainable Internet, and to serve as an open, collaborative platform that allows our members to make best use of their expertise in order to deliver a fundamental re-design of networks – one that dramatically improves their energy efficiency and reduces their overall carbon footprint – for the benefit of our members, the ICT sector, and the entire world.

For more information click here.


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