10 Ways to Upcycle Plastic Easter Eggs

Now that Easter is over many are wondering what they can do with those plastic eggs. Instead of downcycling, upcycle those eggs by turning them into something you can use over and over again.

Aside from not buying them in the first place there are a number of ways that they can be upcycled so that they do not end up in landfills where they will take decades to break down. In the process they will leave a toxic residue that is harmful to the soil and water.

Consumers buy tons of non-biodegradable plastic trinkets at Easter most of which ends up in landfills. According to the National Retail Federation shoppers will spend more than $2.1 billion on Easter regalia in 2014.

One of the biggest culprits are plastic Easter eggs. While many areas recycle plastic eggs, this type of downcycling has its limits as each time these eggs are recycled the quality of the plastic deteriorates and eventually they become impossible to recycle and they end up in a landfill.

Thankfully, the folks at Planet Pals and inhabitots have come up with some creative ways to put those plastic eggs to use. Here are ten ways you can keep them out of landfills.

1. Put them away for use next year.
2. Soap molds
3. Recepticles to store play dough
4. Clear plastic eggs can be made into mini terrariums
5. Tealight holders
6. Decorative wreaths
7. Toy snake
8. Mini seed starters
9. Toy egg groceries
10. Bath toys

Video: The Perils of Plastic Waste
Recycling In America: More Than Just A Feel Good Experience
Video - Recycling: Let Garbage Live Again
RecycleMania Tournament 2014: Student Recycling and Waste Reduction Competition


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