RIO + 20 Supported Education for Sustainable Development

Education was an important part of the Rio+20 conference in June 2012. Although many felt that the outcome did not go far enough, education was frequently mentioned as an important area of sustainable development. Despite tepid results, participants at the conference did manage to agree that education has a crucial role to play, in particular Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).

The Rio+20 conference prompted UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to say, “We resolve to promote education for sustainable development and to integrate sustainable development more actively into education beyond the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development.”

Even before Rio+20 got underway sustainable development was a priority issue. Three of the top ten key actions stakeholders voted on, out of a total of 100, concerned education.

UNESCO continues to promote ESD as well as in the overall post-2015 discussions regarding international development goals.

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