Top 10 Green Employers in Canada (2012)

Here is a list of the top ten green employers in Canada. The list is from Miratel's "55 Greenest Canadian Employers 2012" In the past Miratel has featured the Top 50 Canadian CSR Business List, Top Diversity Employers in Canada 2012 and even the Top 500 Global Green Rankings which included 19 Canadian Companies. This list of Canada’s Greenest Employers has been compiled by the editors of Canada’s Top 100 Employers and published through its editorial partner, The Globe and Mail.

Formerly known as Canada’s Most Earth-Friendly Employers, the list recognizes companies for their innovative approach to green initiatives, employee engagement level, how the brand embraces those initiatives and their impact/influence on the public. Miratel has selected ten from this impressive list which highlight the varied industries and sectors. Here is that list in alphabetical order:
  1. Corus Entertainment Inc. Their new head office in Toronto is seeking Leadership in Energy and Environmental (LEED) Gold certification. Their in-house “green team” includes members from every department and helped the company save energy which reduced its operating cost and footprint.
  2. Fairmont Hotels & Resorts. They have been an environmental leader in the hotel industry for the past twenty years. In fact, in 1990 they wrote the handbook, “Green Partnership Guide” now in its third publication, which has been used in hotel management courses and throughout the industry.
  3. Hewlett-Packard Canada Co. They demonstrated a long-term commitment to sustainability when they hired a Director of Environmental Programs. The company encourages employees to reduce their carbon emission by leaving their cars at home through a telecommuting program. Through the “Planet Partners” program they recycle their own inkjet and laser printer cartridges for consumers as well as some computer hardware and rechargeable batteries.
  4. The Home Depot Canada. Every one of their stores has a “Green Team,” comprising of members from every department so they are well educated in the “Eco-Options” products. The “Green Team” also ensures that the facilities for “in-store recycling programs for batteries, paint and compact fluorescent light bulbs are in place and operating” Through the “Eco-Options” program they offer some 2,400 environmentally responsible products.
  5. Loblaw Companies Limited. They have made a commitment to being environmentally friendly with their newly outlined environmental policy and appointment of a Director of Environmental Affairs to oversee and manage projects. The company has a Sustainable Seafood Commitment, which means by the end of 2013 100% of their seafood will be sustainable sourced. In addition to this, they have introduced new fair trade certified products to their line.
  6. Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. Every fall they host the Earth Matters Symposium to discuss energy saving measures and hired a Manager of Environmental Sustainability to manage ongoing environmental plans. The hospital installed a solar photovoltaic array (linked solar panels) that is built-into the structure and is able to product 100 kilowatts of clean energy from the sun.
  7. TD Bank Group. They were the first Canadian bank to hire a Chief Environment Officer who was an environmental scientist with over 20 years of experience. They have raised an amazing 50 million dollars while helping local communities through TD Friends of the Environment Foundation launch in 1990. TD is also one of the first financial institutions to achieve carbon neutral status for its North American operations.
  8. TELUS Corporation. They have created the Work Styles program to allow employees flexible hours and the ability to work remotely, thus reducing their carbon emissions relating to commute. They also have 15 Green Teams across Canada with over 140 members that organize events from workshops on energy conservation to organic gardening techniques amongst many other initiatives.
  9. University of Toronto. We wrote about when the St George campus banned plastic water bottles but they have a long standing commitment to the environment including hiring a Energy Management Engineer in 1977. At the St. George Campus they boast a Swap Shop where students can drop off and pick up everything from furniture to office equipment throughout the academic year. They also manage a rainwater collection system that is used for flushing in washroom which greatly reduces the campus’ demand on municipal water.
  10. YMCA of Greater Toronto. They have created a Sustainability Green Document which outlines their environmental strategy and at each location they have a green team made up of members of the community, YMCA members as well as staff who review and implement the initiatives.
As the Smartest Country that also happens to be the 5th Happiest one , it should come as no surprise that Canadian businesses are incorporating CSR business values and putting green initiatives at the forefront of their corporate identity.

© 2012, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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