Electric Vehicles Create Jobs

Electric vehicles (EVs) are reducing emissions and creating sustainable jobs. EV technology is steadily improving and consumer interest is growing. While EVs create jobs, combustion engine vehicles contribute to global warming and America's dependence on foreign oil.

The Chevrolet Volt is an example of a hybrid electric car that is providing new jobs. In the past year, GM has invested nearly $1 billion in electric vehicles. The car maker is also investing $270 million on an electric motor plant near Baltimore, Md. The project will create more than 200 blue-collar and managerial positions, along with hundreds more assembly line jobs when the plant starts production.

Mike Robinson, GM's vice president for environment, energy and safety policy, expects the new plant will be a job engine for many years to come.

"This is the wave of the future. And we expect that plant is going to produce 40,000 or so electric motors for us by 2013," Robinson says. "And we do think this is a long-term bet that makes sense, and we expect market volumes will support that kind production."

Other car makers are also involved in the EV market including Nissan, Toyota, Mitsubishi and Honda. Industry analysts predict there could be as many as 1.5 million electric cars on US roads by 2015.

While the price of electricity is relatively stable, gas prices are volatile. Auto industry analyst George Magliano, of IHS Global Insight thinks that green technology will boost economic growth and create tens of thousands of new jobs.

EVs create American jobs which is why President Obama has pledged that America will have one million electric vehicles on the road by 2015.

© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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