Leading the Green Job Market with a Sustainable MBA

A sustainable MBA, also known as a green MBA, enhances an individual's marketability and maximizes remuneration potential. A green MBA program addresses environmental and social sustainability, as they relate to the traditional subjects of finance, management, economics, and business ethics.

There is growing demand for well-trained green oriented individuals, particularly at the leadership level and studies indicate that well-paying green jobs are on the rise. With the increasing demand for qualified professionals and millions of new green jobs being projected, there is a noticeable absence of qualified leaders in the green jobs market.

The green market is an awe inspiring opportunity. Energy alone represents a multi-trillion dollar global market. Yet specialized skill sets are required to capitalize on these opportunities.

To lead a business that is both profitable and sustainable, executives, consultants, and entrepreneurs need the right tools, training, and skills. These skills include business strategy, performance, marketing, branding and finance. A sustainable MBA provides the essential skills required for graduates to help lead the transition to a sustainable economy.

A sustainable MBA provides people with the skills that are much in demand and this affords the freedom to consider diverse career opportunities. According to a 2009 report from Net Impact, the number of publicly advertised Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) jobs has gone up by 37 percent since 2004. This reflects a growing demand for managers and senior executives knowledgeable about issues like sustainability, leaders who can show initiative and create new profit centers.

The demand for green business leadership will keep growing. A sustainable MBA program can launch careers and position people to take advantage of one of the greatest opportunities our economy has ever known. A sustainable MBA is for those who want to position themselves as the business leaders of tomorrow.

In the future there will no longer be a need to designate an MBA as green because sustainability will be incorporated into all MBA programs. Until then, these degrees are the keys to business leadership in the new green economy.

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  1. I know we all talking about green jobs, however India will still take some time to accept these green people. I am doing MBA environment from Shoolini University, Solan. Do you really feel there are environment management jobs in India. i have seen lot of people in different online forums having masters in environment searching for a job. Lets hope for the best...

  2. Thanks for the comment Green Prateek. In response to your question, I most certainly think that sustainable jobs will abound, however it's hard to predict exactly how many new green jobs will materialize and when. There are few degrees that will open more doors than an environmentally oriented MBA.

    Best of luck in your endeavors and keep us posted on your progress.

  3. Look for an upcoming blog post on Shoolini University's Green Initiatives.

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