In Canada, the Competition Bureau and Canadian Standards Association are planning to release new guidelines on the use of environmental terms. In the wake of a plethora of consumer complaints, eco-friendly statements will have to be supported by data. In the U.S., the Federal Trade Commission is reviewing its guidelines for environmental marketing (Green Guides). And the E.U. has adopted a substantial and diverse range of environmental measures aimed at improving the quality of the environment.
In response to these changes and to add value and protect the integrity of their brands, corporations are increasingly implementing Green protocols that meet or exceed the requirements of environmental legislation. However, this can be an involved undertaking, particularly for small business. The complexity of compliance issues related to the U.S. Clean Water Act effectively illustrates this point. Adhering to environmental legislation can prove daunting, and the costs of compliance can be burdensome.
In the U.S., Canada and the E.U., present and forthcoming environmental and marketing legislation provides basic operating guidelines and product standards. These legal guidelines and standards protect and reinforce the integrity of Green brands. But there is a cost associated with compliance. In the U.S., it is estimated that the cost of clean air compliance is between $25 and $50 billion each year. However, compliant corporations can leverage a sustainable marketing position with a broad consumer appeal.
For more detailed information and specific legislation see the COMPLIANCE section in the newly expanded GREEN LINK LIBRARY.
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